
The finest examples of Modernism International Style and Bauhaus inspired architecture could be easily found in the city downtown. Central Katowice also contain a significant number of Art Nouveau Secesja buildings along with the Communist Era giants such as Spodek multipurpose arena complex (http://www.spodek.eu/) or Superjednostka housing block.

St. Michel Archangel
A complex of the wooden churches in the Kosciuszko Park
The Cathedral
49a Plebiscytowa Street.
The Cemetery
12 Kozielska St.
Jewish cemetery
16 Kozielska St. (http://www.inyourpocket.c...) (http://www.sztetl.org.pl/...)
Assumption of Mary
Panewniki, A church and a cloister of Franciscan brothers under the invocation of Ludvig the King.
The Wyspianski Theater